Welcome to
Room 14's blog!
Room 14's blog!
Abi's garden pet!
We have been practicing how to write our own blogs and discovered that it is much like a diary so here goes our first attempt at blogging!
Saujaniah brought in her model to show the class - her dad has helped her to create a wonderful model of the Taj Mahal in India. She was inspired by our Medieval castles and we compared the things that are alike and different.We have been practicing how to write our own blogs and discovered that it is much like a diary so here goes our first attempt at blogging!
From the nature files, we had Abi who brought in her pregnant praying mantis and showing us how to take care of her. Professor Abi knows so much about the things of nature that we may have to ask her to do a 'nature blog' entry often, just so we can keep up with her!
And last, but by no means least for this entry, the fantastic news that we have in Room 14 the 2010 Point View's Got Talent winner - Brooke Davies, who aerobic-danced her way to victory this afternoon - we are sooooo proud of you Brooke!
Anyway, welcome again and remember to watch this space each week as we endeavour to keep you up to date with the daily life of Room 14!
Brooke - 2010 Champ of Point View's Got Talent!
I'm so proud of my cute and adorable cousin her taj mahal is wonderful. Keep sharing the wonders of india!!!!