Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Monday, September 6, 2010
Check out this...
Have a try at creating your own amazing word shapes and load them onto our blog.
See if you can use all of the rainforest words that you have learnt.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Monday, June 14, 2010
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Dinosaur Fever!
Medieval Feast!
Thursday, June 3, 2010
The Great Fire Of London - by Kaitlin Ross

In 1666, in London, there was a baker called Thomas Faynor. Thomas left the fire on that he was using to cook the bread for the king. When he went to bed upstairs, some of the wood burnt so it caused a fire.
So they used fire-hooks to pull down the houses. They used the buckets to put the fire out but it was too hard because the houses had thatched roofs and there was a strong wind.
So the fire went on for 4 days and only 4 people died because there was a river in the middle of London so some people escaped by boat.
Pteranodons by Zac,Nathan and Micah

It had a large brain so it was intelligent.
Most of the time it was in the air to avoid predators.
Sharp claws helped protect it from predator.
Pteradons lived in the time of the dinosaurs butThey are not a dinosaur or bird.
Their main defence was flying.
Pteranodons were flying reptiles.
The pteranodons flew well because it was light.
Their wings was mainly for gliding.
Their wingspan was 7.3 m.
Wings flapped like a bird.
Pteranodons are carnivores so they are meat eaters.
Pteranodons probably hunted fish, scooping fish out of water like a pelican.
They swallowed fish whole.
They had good eyesight for catching fast swimming fish.
Swimming Champ!

On Friday last week I went to my swimming club's prizegiving. I got two trophies, but I don't get to keep them. I only get to keep them for 1 year. I also got a Honda cap that I caught at the beginning when they threw thing out to catch. I got two certificates to go with the trophies.
On Sunday I went to the Counties Manukau Prize-Giving and I received a certificate for the 8 years and under girls (second place).
By Grace
Plateosaurus - By Grace Chang & Abigail Low

Plateosaurus were herbivores, which meant it ate plants. It might have swallowed some rocks to help digest food in its stomach. Plateosaurus had weak leaf-shaped teeth and its teeth were very sharp. They used their teeth to tear tough leaves from plants. They lived in dry environments like deserts. They walked on 4 muscular legs and their back legs were bigger than their front legs. They probably reared up on their hind legs to reach tall plants that they couldn’t reach. They had large hands with 5 fingers and they may have used their hands for grasping and walking. They had short claws that were not very good for defence against bigger predators, but they had big claws on their thumb. They had a small head, a long neck, a long snout and a VERY long tail. They were not intelligent and they were about 8 metres long.
Queen For The Day!
We are having a Medieval Feast in the Great Hall next week. We have invited our school royalty - Mrs. Parr, Mrs. Hibberd and Mrs. Fischer. Miss Pirie will be appearing our 'special guest'...watch this space! Here are some pix of the Royal Letter Bearers giving the official invitations and henin to our royals!

We made pottage last week and even tasted some with bread rolls. We all helped to slice and dice the ingredients - we were amazed at how many of us had never tried some of the veggies! We put celery, leek, cabbage, water, stock, pepper, salt, onion and parsnips in and left the pot cooking for several hours.
Check out the photos of us munching our way through the pottage...yum!
Sunday, May 23, 2010
The Great Fire Of London
Friday, May 21, 2010
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
How To Train Your Dragon!

In room 14 we have been reading How to train your dragon by Cressida Cowell. Hiccup, Toothless ( Hiccup’s dragon) and Fishlegs are the main characters. There are a series of them. The first one is How to train your dragon. The second one is How to be a pirate. The third one is How to speak Dragonese. The forth one is How to cheat a dragon’s curse. The fifth one is How to twist a dragon’s tail. The sixth one is A hero’s guide to deadly dragons. The seventh is How to ride a dragon’s storm. The eighth one is How to break a dragon’s heart.

On Tuesday room14 went to technology. We went in buddies and my buddy was Nathan. We were making catapults. First we had to cut 60 centimeters of wood. We cut that in half. Next we used a hot glue gun, to stick the wood together. We had to find something to stick on the catapult so it can shoot out of the catapult.
By Livia and Nathan
Monday, May 3, 2010
I will miss you all lots so take care and be good - see you all Friday! I will pop in when we get back.
Love from Mrs. R :)
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
My Castle
My Castle
On Saturday I told my dad that room 14 is learning about Medieval Times. My dad said that we could make a castle for the class to see how it looks.
On Sunday, my dad and me went to Bits and Bots. My dad spotted a jigsaw puzzle. My dad called me and on the box we found a picture of the Taj Mahal, it is a famous castle in India. We bought it and we started to build it. It was very tricky. It was made out of regefoam so my dad and me had to be very careful. We had to bend some bits because the Taj Mahal is a round castle.
From Sauajniah
Castle Art With Mrs. Craig
Medieval Times
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Announcing - our new blog!

Room 14's blog!
We have been practicing how to write our own blogs and discovered that it is much like a diary so here goes our first attempt at blogging!
From the nature files, we had Abi who brought in her pregnant praying mantis and showing us how to take care of her. Professor Abi knows so much about the things of nature that we may have to ask her to do a 'nature blog' entry often, just so we can keep up with her!
And last, but by no means least for this entry, the fantastic news that we have in Room 14 the 2010 Point View's Got Talent winner - Brooke Davies, who aerobic-danced her way to victory this afternoon - we are sooooo proud of you Brooke!
Anyway, welcome again and remember to watch this space each week as we endeavour to keep you up to date with the daily life of Room 14!
Brooke - 2010 Champ of Point View's Got Talent!